Custom Bruteforce Evaluation

TMInterface exposes the RegisterBruteforceEvaluation API which allows plugins to register a custom bruteforce evaluation function. This function is called when the built-in bruteforce algorithm is active and the evaluation is selected in the Settings > Bruteforce > Optimization menu:

void RenderEvalSettings()
    // Render the evaluation settings.

int bestTime = -1;
BFEvaluationResponse@ OnEvaluate(SimulationManager@ simManager, const BFEvaluationInfo&in info)
    int raceTime = simManager.RaceTime;

    auto resp = BFEvaluationResponse();
    if (info.Phase == BFPhase::Initial) {
        if (simManager.PlayerInfo.RaceFinished) {
            print("Base run: " + Time::Format(raceTime));
            bestTime = raceTime;
            resp.Decision = BFEvaluationDecision::Accept;
    } else if (simManager.PlayerInfo.RaceFinished) {
        if (raceTime < bestTime) {
            resp.Decision = BFEvaluationDecision::Accept;
            print("New time: " + Time::Format(raceTime));
            resp.ResultFileStartContent = "# Found better simple finish time: " + Time::Format(raceTime);

    return resp;

void Main() {
    RegisterBruteforceEvaluation("simplefinish", "Simple Finish Time", OnEvaluate, RenderEvalSettings);

For more information, check out BFEvaluationResponse and BFEvaluationInfo reference.