Common snippets

These snippets are documented to help with common tasks in plugin development.

Get the vehicle position & velocity & yaw/pitch/roll

vec3 pos = simManager.Dyna.CurrentState.Location.Position;
vec3 velocity = simManager.Dyna.CurrentState.LinearSpeed;

float yaw, pitch, roll;
simManager.Dyna.CurrentState.Location.Rotation.GetYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll);

Load a command list script as the current one

CommandList list("inputs.txt");

Parse inputs from a command list script

CommandList list("inputs.txt");
for (uint i = 0; i < list.InputCommands.Length; i++) {
    auto cmd = list.InputCommands[i];

Convert current inputs to commands and save them into a file

CommandList list;
list.Content = simManager.InputEvents.ToCommandsText();

Iterate current inputs

auto indices = simManager.InputEvents.EventIndices;
for (uint i = 0; i < simManager.InputEvents.Length; i++) {
    auto evt = simManager.InputEvents[i];
    if (evt.Value.EventIndex == indices.SteerId) {
        log("Steer at " + (evt.Time - 100010) + ": " + + evt.Value.Analog);
    } else if (evt.Value.EventIndex == indices.AccelerateId) {
        log("Accelerate at " + (evt.Time - 100010) + ": " + evt.Value.Binary);
    } else if (...) {

Load a save state from a file and restore it

string error;
SimulationStateFile f;
if (!f.Load("state.bin", error)) {
    // Handle error

// Restore the full file with inputs and previous states

// Alternatively, convert the file to a SimulationState (and restore without inputs or previous states)

Save a save state to a file from the current state

string error;
SimulationStateFile f;
f.CaptureCurrentState(simManager, true);
if (!f.Save("saved.bin", error)) {
    // Handle error

Display a custom window

void Render()
    if (UI::Begin("Custom Window")) {
        // Render controls
